Need a Little Christmas Cheer?

Psst…it’s me, Santa.  Want to make the family happy this Christmas? How about a little repair work, a quick little fix-up that will make a big, big impression?  It could be a bit of fres...

Just Exactly Where is That Leak?

Let’s consider this a short cautionary tale.  Once upon a time, some very responsible homeowners, living in a lovely, newly built house, noticed something worrying on their utility bill.  Tho...

Time For Some Tree Work?

Winter time is the best time for tree trimming – and not just the Christmas sort!  Most expert arborists agree that trees here in Florida should be pruned every 2-3 years.  This may seem exces...

Hanging Drywall: DIY? Maybe Not

While drywall hasn’t been around nearly as long as plaster (which is far harder and has certainly passed the test of time), a good drywall job will last a long while.  You can do it yoursel...

Flooring Condition: Just What’s Under That Tile?

Many charming period houses have wood floors, which we love.  Often, though, the original flooring is hidden beneath layers of carpeting and/or tile.  When those layers are taken up, we sometimes fi...